Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How can I test if open-appsec detects/prevents attacks correctly after enabling it for one of my proxy host objects in NGINX Proxy Manager?

You can append the following to your http(s) requests to simulate an attack which should be detected/prevented by open-appsec: ?shell_cmd=cat/etc/passwd

Example: http://localhost/?shell_cmd=cat/etc/passwd

Question: How can I check the status of my open-appsec agent?

You can run the command open-appsec-ctl -s inside the appsec-agent container: docker exec appsec-agent open-appsec-ctl -s Status should be “running” for all services in the list and "Policy load status" should show "Success". Note that the Http Transaction Handler Nano Service will only switch from “ready” to “running” state after it has received some initial packets from the attachment integrated with NPM's included NGINX reverse proxy. Here’s an example output:

---- open-appsec Nano Agent ----
Version: 1.1.3-open-source
Status: Running
Management mode: Local management
Policy files:
Policy load status: Success
Last policy update: 2023-12-04T11:33:46.083483
AI model version: Simple model V1.0

---- open-appsec Orchestration Nano Service ----
Type: Public, Version: 1.1.3-open-source, Created at: 2023-10-05T17:46:48+0000
Status: Running

---- open-appsec Attachment Registrator Nano Service ----
Type: Public, Version: 1.1.3-open-source, Created at: 2023-10-05T17:46:48+0000
Status: Running

---- open-appsec Http Transaction Handler Nano Service ----
Type: Public, Version: 1.1.3-open-source, Created at: 2023-10-05T17:46:48+0000
Registered Instances: 2
Status: Running

Question: How can I migrate from an existing installation of NGINX Proxy Manager (NPM) to NPM integrated with open-appsec and keep my existing NPM configuration?

Last updated

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